How to Make a Child Injury Claim
When making a child injury claim, it’s beneficial to rely on the experience and expertise of legal professionals.
They can assess your circumstances and provide advice and guidance as to the eligibility of a claim and the potential for a positive outcome.
But what does a claim entail? It’s a process that no parent wishes to go through but some are forced into when an accident affects their child.
What is a child injury claim?
A child injury claim relates to a scenario whereby a child is injured as a result of an accident that wasn’t their fault in a public place and their legal guardians decide to claim for personal injury compensation to assist in the recovery from those injuries.
Excellent service. Esther was very helpful, prompt, explained everything very well step by step. Took an in depth explanation of events which occurred - very patient. Great lady whom I spoke to, came across caring. Very good service provided.
What are the steps involved?
Firstly, by contacting an accident management specialist like Winns, their team of professionals will quickly assess the circumstances of the incident and provide you with a clearer vision of your claim’s eligibility.
The next step is to gather as much evidence as possible to support your claim, which seeks to prove liability resides with the at-fault party.
Once this is achieved, your file handler will pull this together into a file that argues your case as strongly as possible as part of the negotiation phase. The end result, in many cases, is an agreement on a set amount of personal injury compensation thus leading to the conclusion of a child injury claim.
In the event a claim cannot be settled in negotiation, it will proceed to Court. Don’t worry though, our team is well prepared to fight your corner until the end and will stand with you until a conclusion is reached. This step isn’t common, with the vast majority of claims settled well in advance of this.
I was so stressed after having an accident with my mum and 2 children in the car, I didn't know what I needed to do next and had loads of unanswered questions. Gary was great. He was so helpful and clear in what he was explaining to me. He answered all my questions… he was really reassuring as well.
Who makes a claim for your child?
The child’s parent, carer or legal guardian will act as what is known as a ‘litigation friend’. This role sees them conduct the claim on the child’s behalf, as they are unable to, by law, due to their age.
This is an important responsibility as the aim of a claim is to make the recovery process easier for the person affected - personal injury compensation and medical treatment both help with this ambition – who could be facing up to a future affected by injury or even permanently altered by the fall-out of the accident.
Who can help?
When considering a child injury claim, make your first call to Winns. The team is standing by to assist you every step of the way.
With experience, diligence, and compassion, our legal teams will do everything in their power to ensure a positive outcome for you and, most importantly, your child.
To find out more about the types of child injury claim accidents that can happen, click on the link to be taken to one of our information pages.
Ready to start your claim?
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