5 Dec 2022
  • A woman in discussion with a man

What is a Codicil?

Life doesn’t stay the same. Always changing over the years, a Will that may have been valid previously could require some alterations.

It is vital to have a valid Will that expresses your direct wishes at the time and so, if life takes a turn for better or worse your Will should reflect it.

What is a Codicil?

A Codicil is a legal document that allows you to alter part of a current Will without needing to re-write the whole thing.

A separate document to the original Will, it is important to store the Codicil alongside your Will in a safe location to make it easy for the executors of the estate to deliver your wishes exactly how you want them to be.

However, if you require larger changes to your Will it may call for a completely new document to replace an invalid one.

When would a Codicil prove useful?

If you are seeking to make small changes to an already completed Will, then using a Codicil would be the most appropriate legal option. Minor alterations that would apply in this scenario include:

  • Changing executors
  • Removing people as beneficiaries
  • Adding new beneficiaries or changing a name
  • Changing a monetary amount to be given to a beneficiary

Are there any risks to using a Codicil?

A Codicil is classed as a separate legal document. This poses a minor issue with storage as the likelihood of it being misplaced or lost is increased. It is important to keep any Codicils with the original, valid Will so executors can carry out your wishes exactly how you choose.

Can Winns help?

The dedicated Wills, Probate and Trust team at Winns is ready to help. Experienced, compassionate, and diligent, they use their expertise and knowledge of the sector to deliver your wishes into a legally binding document.

Regardless of the value of your estate, having a valid Will is an important part of your future financial planning. Take the potential angst, confusion, and disagreement away after you die, and take care of loved ones with a Will writing service.

Plan today for a more secure tomorrow.

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